Another Integral Explorer

INTEGRAL means comprehensive, inclusive, balanced, not leaving anything out. -Ken Wilber-

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Location: Portland, OR, United States

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Spam Happens

Today in my email inbox, was a warning from Worldview weekend about the dangers of Emergent. It seems that Brannon Howse thinks people involved with Emergent, or emerging churches are apostates.

What the ...????

This is why I have a difficult time identifing as "christian" as this is what most people associate with the term.

Excuse me, I think I have to vomit now...

Friday, May 25, 2007

Staying Afloat

So...I have decided not to delete this blog, but to keep it. I wish I could slow down the pace of life long enough to write my reflections here. I just can't seem to find the time, when most of my energy is trying to stay afloat in so many contexts. Staying afloat with family relationships, with friends (whom I've neglected most of all) with community connections including neighborhood, business, etc... and that includes economically staying afloat, which is another drain on energy and time. I think it might be wishful thinking that I'll actually contribute something to the blogosphere. But I'm going to give it what I can, and leave it at that.

If you feel swamped, and unable to keep up with your blog in the way you'd like to, leave a comment and let me know that I'm not the only suffering slacker out there...

Thanks, and Good Journey