Another Integral Explorer

INTEGRAL means comprehensive, inclusive, balanced, not leaving anything out. -Ken Wilber-

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Location: Portland, OR, United States

Friday, December 08, 2006

to blog or not to blog

It’s been a whole year without blogging…I’m not sure if I can sustain this blog anymore, because I’ve been able to DO so much more with my time since I took a year sabbatical. Most of that has been with people very close to me, family and friends who don’t blog anyway.

Recently I’ve been re-evaluating my involvement with emerging church stuff. It’s been a mixed bag of hope and disappointment. A few years ago I discovered the Emergent Village website and was thrilled to find like minded people voicing some of the same hopes and concerns about Christianity that I had. The ‘generative friendship’ and ‘conversation’ buzz words hooked me. The site’s evolution has been a mix of better and worse. But recently, I think the last three or four emails I have received from Emergent have been pleas for money, not unlike so many other religious organizations that I avoid. Where do you go from here?

I’m also contemplating deleting this blog. If you've received anything from what I’ve shared from my own journey, I’m delighted. If there is anything you want to take from this blog, please do so soon, because it may not be here much longer.

