Another Integral Explorer

INTEGRAL means comprehensive, inclusive, balanced, not leaving anything out. -Ken Wilber-

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Location: Portland, OR, United States

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Being There on St Patricks Day

Well here it is almost two months since my last blog entry. I was worried that my inconsistency and lack of discipline would show up if I took on this kind of project. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “It’s better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” Well this principle works on several levels here at my blog.

I don’t want my blog to be about the routines of my life. Rythms maybe, if they are relevant to my topic. Not that I mind reading other blogs where the only entry a writer can muster is what they ate for breakfast, and what they’re planning on doing that night for entertainment. I just can’t do that, cause I’m haunted with the penetrating thought, ‘who really gives a rats ass what I’m doing in my life?’, except those that are intimately connected to me. Here on my blog is a whole other kind of relationship. I don’t always know the people who read my blog, except of course my friend Dwight, and my daughter Angele, maybe my dad if his computer is working.

I go through cycles where there are many things on my mind that are worth writing about, and then I go through dry spells where I don’t feel like anything I have to say is worth writing about. So I wait until I’m compelled to the point that I just can’t shut up, and then I write.

So there it is.

If you happen to wander upon this blog and have any comments, I’d love to hear from you. I don’t have a counter on this site (to prevent losing heart and major depression) so I have no idea who or how many pass through here. If you do, leave a brief note and say hello.


Good Journey