Another Integral Explorer

INTEGRAL means comprehensive, inclusive, balanced, not leaving anything out. -Ken Wilber-

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Location: Portland, OR, United States

Monday, November 22, 2004

Looking for Connections

As an integral explorer, I’m on the lookout for connections. I was first introduced to the concept of integral, as integral, in the writings of Ken Wilber. Later I was introduced to an application of integral in the community of postmodern Christianity by the writings of Brian McLaren. Brian McLaren in reading Ken Wilber says that what Ken calls integral, he calls ‘emergent’. I don’t know if Ken is aware of Brian’s work, but he should be.

Ken approaches integral from his particular perspective, that of a long time student of mystical traditions, particularly Eastern traditions of Buddhism and Hinduism. Brian approaches emergence from mystical Christianity, in what he calls post-protestant, post-evangelical. What both of them do in their presentations and practice is demonstrate an honoring of all traditions, looking for what is good and worthwhile in each. They do not overlook the shortcomings of any one perspective, but will emphasize the qualities that disclose our common humanity, and lead us toward deeper realization of the ‘mysterium tremendum,’ in however we perceive God. Ken speaks the language of Eastern philosophy, and Brian speaks the language of Biblical Christianity, but they are both speaking of integral exploration.

If you are so inclined to online research, the following links might be helpful:


Blogger Dan (aka Br Bozano) said...

I hope he finds something worthwhile there. I found it interesting that the Integral Institute, and Wilber are located in the Boulder/Denver area in your neck of the woods. If you ever have a chance to check them out, give me some feed back on what you think.

7:43 AM  

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